Pizza Dough

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Pizza Dough
This easy and delicious pizza dough is versatile too - you can make scrolls or pizzas!
Prep Time 20
Cook Time 15
Passive Time 1 hour
Medium Pizzas
Prep Time 20
Cook Time 15
Passive Time 1 hour
Medium Pizzas
  1. Equipment Needed: Mixing Bowl Measuring spoons Scales Measuring Jug Fork Rolling Pin
  2. Method: In a jug, measure warm water and add yeast and sugar - stir gently Set aside for 10 minutes to "activate" the yeast Measure flour and salt and place in a mixing bowl Once yeast water is "activated" make a well in the flour and pour the water and yeast into the flour. Using a fork, starting from the outside, gradually mix the water into the flour gently Once mixed, turn out onto a bench, dusted with flour to stop it sticking Knead the dough for approx 5 minutes until smooth and springy Place the dough in a flour dusted bowl and cover with a damp cloth and place in a warm place for 1 hour until dough has doubled in size After 1 hour, remove the dough from the bowl onto flour dusted bench and knead it around a bit to remove air - this is called "knocking back the dough" To make pizza - divide the dough into 4 and roll out using a rolling pin Place on a backing tray or stone and top with your favourite pizza toppings. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 200 degrees Enjoy!
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