Fetta Rainbow Wraps

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Fetta Rainbow Wraps
Children all over the world are making these wraps for Food Revolution Day! Get Kids Cooking classes prepared and enjoyed these with baskets of fresh vegetables and additional options for the children to try - some even braved trying a raddish!!
  1. Wash the beetroots and carrots to get all of the dirt off
  2. Pick off and throw out any wispy bits off the end
  3. Holding the beetroot at the root end grate it as far as you can and place in a bowl
  4. Holding the carrot at the stalk end grate it and add to the bowl of beetroot
  5. Add the green leaves to the bowl
  6. Remove stalk off the pear, grate and add to the bowl
  7. Pick the mint and parsley leaves off the stalk
  8. Tear the leaves and add to the bowl, throw away the stalks
  9. Place all of your dressing ingredients in a jar and shake
  10. Drizzle the dressing over your salad and mix
  11. Divide the salad into your wraps then crumble a little feta over them
  12. Roll up the wraps and serve immediately
Recipe Notes

Mixing bowl
Chopping board
Measuring spoons

Optional Extras
• Purple or green cabbage
• Sliced Mushrooms
• Walnuts
• Cucumbers
• Grated tasty cheese
• Finely cut celery
• Thin slices of Radish
• Shredded chicken
• Zucchinis

Adult Assistance
Using the grater

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